اصلح نفسك ودعو غيرك

Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Otak berulat...akibat makan sushi

Inilah akibat makan sushi & sashimi (ikan mentah, gurita mentah,udang mentah, dsb). Nama orang ini Shota Fujiwara dari Gifuprefecture, Jepun, umur 80 thn, telah menderita sakit kepala yang luar biasa selama 3 tahun dan telah kehilangan kemampuan psikomotoricnya. Setelah menjalani pemeriksaan CT-scan & X-ray, doktor yang merawatnya menemukan sarang ulat di bawah kulit kepalanya namun masih diluar tempurung otaknya.


Ulat seperti yg didapati pada kepala Shota Fujiwara adalah berasal dari parasit yg selalunye didapat pada tubuh ikan mentah baik ikan laut maupun ikan air tawar. Ulat parasit & telurnya hanya boleh dimatikan dgn melalui proses pemasakan dgn panas yang tinggi (digoreng, dipanggang atau direbus mendidih atau dgn pembekuan -10 degC s/d -20 degC selama lebih dari 1 minggu).

This is a true case of a Japanese man from Gifu Prefecture who incessantly about a persistent headache. Mr. Shota Fujiwara loves his sashimi and sushi very much to the extent of trying to get them as "alive and fresh" as can be for his insatiable appetite. He developed a severe headache, but for the past three years had put it off as migraine and stress from work.
It was only when he started losing his phsyco-motor skills that he sought medical help. A brain scan and x-ray revealed little however. But upon closer inspection by a specialist on his scalp, the Doctor noticed small movements beneath his skin. It was then that the Doctor did a local anaesthetic to his scalp and discovered the cause! Tiny tapeworms crawled out! Major surgery was t! hus immediately called for and the extent of the infestation was horrific!
Remember : tapeworms, roundworms and their eggs which abound in all fish, fresh or saltwater, can only be killed by thorough cooking and/or freezing the fish to between -4 deg C - 0 degsC

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